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ISL-1 promotes pancreatic islet cell proliferation by forming an ISL-1/Set7/9/PDX-1 complex.  期刊论文  

  • 编号:
  • 作者:
    Yang Zhe[1];Zhang Qiao(张巧)[2]Lu Qin[1];Jia Zhuqing[1];Chen Ping[1];Ma Kangtao[1];Wang Weiping[1];Zhou Chunyan[1];
  • 地址:

    [1]a Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology ; School of Basic Medical Sciences; Key Laboratory of Molecular Cardiovascular Sciences; Ministry of Education of China; Peking University ; Beijing , China.

    [2]a Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology ; School of Basic Medical Sciences; Key Laboratory of Molecular Cardiovascular Sciences; Ministry of Education of China; Peking University ; Beijing , China.;b Current address: Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology ; School of Basic Medical Sciences; Kunming Medical University ; Kunming , China.

  • 语种:
  • 期刊:
    Cell cycle (Georgetown, Tex.) ISSN:1551-4005 2015 年 14 卷 24 期 (3820 - 3829) ; 2015--
  • 收录:
  • 关键词:
  • 摘要:

    Islet-1 (ISL-1), a LIM-homeodomain transcription factor, has been recently found to be essential for promoting postnatal pancreatic islet proliferation. However, the detailed mechanism has not yet been elucidated. In the present study, we investigated the mechanism by which ISL-1 promotes β-cell proliferation through regulation of CyclinD1 in HIT-T15 and NIT-1 cells, as well in rat islet mass. Our results provide the evidence that ISL-1 promotes adult pancreatic islet β-cell proliferation by activating CyclinD1 transcription through cooperation with Set7/9 and PDX-1 to form an ISL-1/Set7/9/PDX-1 complex. This complex functions in an ISL-1-dependent manner, with Set7/9 functioning not only as a histone methyltransferase, which increases the histone H3K4 tri-methylation of the CyclinD1 promoter region, but also an adaptor to bridge ISL-1 and PDX-1, while PDX-1 functions as a RNA pol II binding modulator. Furthermore, the formation of the ISL-1/Set7/9/PDX-1 complex is positively associated with insulin-like growth factor-1 treatment in NIT and HIT-T15 cells in vitro, while may be negatively correlated with age in vivo. ;

  • 推荐引用方式
    GB/T 7714:
    Yang Zhe,Zhang Qiao,Lu Qin, et al. ISL-1 promotes pancreatic islet cell proliferation by forming an ISL-1/Set7/9/PDX-1 complex. [J].Cell cycle (Georgetown, Tex.),2015,14(24):3820-3829.
  • APA:
    Yang Zhe,Zhang Qiao,Lu Qin,Jia Zhuqing,&Zhou Chunyan.(2015).ISL-1 promotes pancreatic islet cell proliferation by forming an ISL-1/Set7/9/PDX-1 complex. .Cell cycle (Georgetown, Tex.),14(24):3820-3829.
  • MLA:
    Yang Zhe, et al. "ISL-1 promotes pancreatic islet cell proliferation by forming an ISL-1/Set7/9/PDX-1 complex." .Cell cycle (Georgetown, Tex.) 14,24(2015):3820-3829.
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