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A Countermeasure Research on Doctor-Patient Disputes and Medical Malpractice Insurance-Aspects of Local Policies and Regulations  会议论文 期刊论文  

  • 编号:
  • 作者:
    Li Zongmin#*[1]Tao Yin[2];Xu Wenjuan[3];Duan Xiaohua[4];Huang Wenjun[5];Cao Qibao[5];
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  • 摘要:

    As China''s public health affairs are undergoing reform and transformation, medical disputes are occurring more and more frequent and have become a serious social problem. According to statistics by China''s public health authorities, from 2000 to 2010, 148 major malignant cases related to medical disputes occurred nation-wide, ten murders merely in 2011. During the three-month period of from August to November in 2010, revealed by the Public health Department of Yunnan Province, 765 medical disputes were reported by 2706 medical organizations in the province, with 150 unrests and 43 group disturbances, which caused financial loss worth more than four million Yuan. It not only harms social stability but causes financial loss and arouses negative influence both locally and internationally. On March 23, 2012, a hospital attack happened at the First Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University, leaving three hospital staff injured and one dead. The doctor-hatred sentiment was aroused again. The attack is a wake-up call for governmental and regulatory authorities? What can we learn from such heavy lesson? What is the fundamental cause for the situation? What do the medical system design, legal protection, administrative regulation and financial compensation lack? All these questions require serious consideration and contemplation from us and we only can find feasible solutions from the reality. Therefore, the paper explores the problem from different angles: how to deepen systematic reform and improve operational mechanics, how to make policy and regulations and create positive legal environment from the top, and how to avoid and tackle the risk by combining legal, administrative and economic measures all together. The paper provides suggestions on product development of medical compulsory insurance and commercial insurance. When a unified regulatory standard of medical malpractice is impossible to be imposed nation-wide at this moment, it becomes especially important and urgent for governmental authorities of different layers and local regulations to make action and play a full role in medical practice control and regulation. The paper aims to provide innovative ideas and practical examples in search of feasible solutions of the problem, which is also the difficulty facing this paper.

  • 推荐引用方式
    GB/T 7714:
    Li Zongmin,Tao Yin,Xu Wenjuan, et al. A Countermeasure Research on Doctor-Patient Disputes and Medical Malpractice Insurance-Aspects of Local Policies and Regulations [J].PROCEEDINGS OF 2013 CHINA INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INSURANCE AND RISK MANAGEMENT,2013:437-449.
  • APA:
    Li Zongmin,Tao Yin,Xu Wenjuan,Duan Xiaohua,&Cao Qibao.(2013).A Countermeasure Research on Doctor-Patient Disputes and Medical Malpractice Insurance-Aspects of Local Policies and Regulations .PROCEEDINGS OF 2013 CHINA INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INSURANCE AND RISK MANAGEMENT:437-449.
  • MLA:
    Li Zongmin, et al. "A Countermeasure Research on Doctor-Patient Disputes and Medical Malpractice Insurance-Aspects of Local Policies and Regulations" .PROCEEDINGS OF 2013 CHINA INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INSURANCE AND RISK MANAGEMENT(2013):437-449.
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