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Safety and Efficacy of Transplantation with Allogeneic Skin Tumors to Treat Chemically-Induced Skin Tumors in Mice  期刊论文  

  • 编号:
  • 作者:
    Zhang, Zhiwei#[1]Sun, Hua#[2]Zhang, Jianhua[1];Ge, Chunlei(葛春蕾)[1]Dong, Suwei[1];Li, Zhen[1];Li, Ruilei[1];Chen, Xiaodan[1];Li, Mei[3];Chen, Yun[3];Zou, Yingying(邹英鹰)[4]Qian, Zhongyi(钱忠义)[5]Yang, Lei[1];Yang, Jinyan[1];Zhu, Zhitao[1];Liu, Zhimin*[1]Song, Xin(宋鑫)*[1]
  • 语种:
  • 期刊:
    MEDICAL SCIENCE MONITOR ISSN:1643-3750 2016 年 22 卷 (3113 - 3123) ; SEP 2
  • 收录:
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  • 摘要:

    Background: Transplantation with allogeneic cells has become a promising modality for cancer therapy, which can induce graft-versus-tumor (GVT) effect. This study was aimed at assessing the safety, efficacy, and tissue type GVT (tGVT) response of transplantation with allogeneic skin tumors to treat chemically-induced skin tumors in mice.
    Material/Methods: FVB/N and ICR mice were exposed topically to chemicals to induce skin tumors. Healthy ICR mice were transplanted with allogeneic skin tumors from FVB/N mice to test the safety. The tumor-bearing ICR mice were transplanted with, or without, allogeneic skin tumors to test the efficacy. The body weights (BW), body condition scores (BCS), tumor volumes in situ, metastasis tumors, overall survival, and serum cytokines were measured longitudinally.
    Results: Transplantation with no more than 0.03 g allogeneic skin tumors from FVB/N mice to healthy ICR mice was safe. After transplantation with allogeneic skin tumors to treat tumor-bearing mice, it inhibited the growth of tumors slightly at early stage, accompanied by fewer metastatic tumors at 24 days after transplantation (21.05% vs. 47.37%), while there were no statistically significant differences in the values of BW, BCS, tumor volumes in situ, metastasis tumors, and overall survival between the transplanted and non-transplanted groups. The levels of serum interleukin (IL)-2 were significantly reduced in the controls (P<0.05), but not in the recipients, which may be associated with the tGVT response.
    Conclusions: Our results suggest that transplantation with allogeneic skin tumors is a safe treatment in mice, which can induce short-term tGVT response mediated by IL-2.

  • 推荐引用方式
    GB/T 7714:
    Zhang Zhiwei,Sun Hua,Zhang Jianhua, et al. Safety and Efficacy of Transplantation with Allogeneic Skin Tumors to Treat Chemically-Induced Skin Tumors in Mice [J].MEDICAL SCIENCE MONITOR,2016,22:3113-3123.
  • APA:
    Zhang Zhiwei,Sun Hua,Zhang Jianhua,Ge Chunlei,&Song Xin.(2016).Safety and Efficacy of Transplantation with Allogeneic Skin Tumors to Treat Chemically-Induced Skin Tumors in Mice .MEDICAL SCIENCE MONITOR,22:3113-3123.
  • MLA:
    Zhang Zhiwei, et al. "Safety and Efficacy of Transplantation with Allogeneic Skin Tumors to Treat Chemically-Induced Skin Tumors in Mice" .MEDICAL SCIENCE MONITOR 22(2016):3113-3123.
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