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Experimental study on cervical lymph nodes removal enhance allograft survival in alkali-burned cornea  期刊论文  

  • 编号:
  • 作者:
    Ling, ShiQi#*[1,2]Xiang, DaoMan[1];Xiao, ShiYi[3];Zhang, Hui[2,4];
  • 语种:
  • 期刊:
    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF OPHTHALMOLOGY ISSN:1672-5123 2009 年 2 卷 3 期 (207 - 210) ; SEP 18
  • 收录:
  • 关键词:
  • 摘要:

    AIM: To explore the inhibitive effects of cervical lymphadenectomy on keratoplasy after alkaline burns.
    METHODS: The Wistar rats' corneas were transplanted into Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats' eyes which were randomly divided into 4 groups: group A (control group); group B, the cervical lymphadenectomy group; group C, corneal transplantation after the alkali burn injury; group D, cervical lymphadenectomy following group C. Out of 6 rats in each group, the cornea of one rat was used for macrophage immunohistochemistry at day 14 after the transplantation, and the remaining 5 rats were used for studying corneal immune rejection with a slit lamp. The time when allograft rejection occurred was recorded and mean survival times (MST) were compared among the groups.
    RESULTS: Compared with the MST of group A (10.40 +/- 1.14 days),the MST of group B(46.30 +/- 9.46 days) was significantly longer (P<0.05). MST of grafts between group C (7.00 +/- 1.58 days) and group D (15.00 +/- 3.39 days) was also significant (P<0.05). At 14(th) day after the transplantation, there was no CD(68) immunoreactivity in the graft of group B, and CD(68) proteins were expressed to some extent in the grafts of group A and D. However, in the graft of group C, the expression of proteins was dramatically up-regulated.
    CONCLUSION: Cervical lymphadenectomy therapy has a significant effect in preventing corneal allograft rejection in normal and alkali burned corneal beds.

  • 推荐引用方式
    GB/T 7714:
    Ling Shi-Qi,Xiang Dao-Man,Xiao Shi-Yi, et al. Experimental study on cervical lymph nodes removal enhance allograft survival in alkali-burned cornea [J].INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF OPHTHALMOLOGY,2009,2(3):207-210.
  • APA:
    Ling Shi-Qi,Xiang Dao-Man,Xiao Shi-Yi,Zhang Hui.(2009).Experimental study on cervical lymph nodes removal enhance allograft survival in alkali-burned cornea .INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF OPHTHALMOLOGY,2(3):207-210.
  • MLA:
    Ling Shi-Qi, et al. "Experimental study on cervical lymph nodes removal enhance allograft survival in alkali-burned cornea" .INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF OPHTHALMOLOGY 2,3(2009):207-210.
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